they have acquired new skills to be better prepared fortheir work. A third (33%) say they do so so they can work on specific projects,implying that most people who upskill are looking to apply their new knowledgein their current workplace and not within a new business. Employee motivationsto improve their skills Although there are few of them, some respondents stilldecided to improve their skills for fear of future layoffs, with 2% of themwanting to make themselves indispensable by developing new skills. Tip for HRmanagers and executives: Whatever their motivations, SMEs should give employeeswho want to gain new knowledge access to learning tools . Nearly half (35%) ofemployees who want to upskill opt for short online courses such as thoseoffered
by a learning management system. More than a quarter (27%)opt for short face-to-face Bulgaria Mobile Number List training courses. 27% rely on reading books and articlesin their free time. How to deal with layoffs in Canada These tips for handlinglayoffs in Canada are not only important for maintaining a positive atmospherein the workplace, but also for supporting remaining employees after a layoff.To maintain your growth while maintaining positive relations between managementand employees, you can: keep you informed of provincial and federal regulationsregarding the management of layoffs and collective terminations of employment;communicate the reasons for ;implement a clear dismissal process to manage
employee departures with dignity; provide developmentopportunities to help employees feel more confident or prepare to seekemployment after a layoff.Email Marketing: Dos and Don’ts Published on2023-07-10 by Tessa Anaya and Gary Froniewski Avoid pitfalls and adopt bestpractices with these email marketing tips . Guide to Email Marketing What we'regoing to talk about Email solicitation: best practices Email solicitation:practices to avoid Make your email marketing program successful If you'retrying to better understand email marketing to create your own strategy for thevery first time, statistics may scare you. How to start? Is this the rightmethod? How can I optimize my resources and not waste my time? Based onresearch from Gartner , we've